RULE #1 - ALWAYS Go Back to Scripture & Prayer so Master J Can Reveal TRUTH to You! Essentially…don’t take our word to the bank to cash your check for salvation…the ‘SEAL of Redemption’ (Eph. 4:30) comes From Master J & his word ONLY!

Can You Lose Your Salvation?

Our Short Answer…NO! Jesus said that in John 10:28 that NO ONE will pluck you from his hand”…once you believe in him & what he came here to do for ALL of us. NO ONE would include anyone trying to take you from him & NO ONE would also include yourself. IF it takes YOU to confess with your mouth that he is LORD & you believing in your heart he rose from the dead to be SAVED (Romans 10:9)…the only logical person that could snatch you from your hand is yourself. But NO ONE would also include yourself…unless you want to give it up?

We are asked to go to work FOR him after we attain the SEAL of Salvation. BOTH believers & unbelievers will be shown their works (1 Corinthians 3:11-15). BELIEVERS for rewards…UNBELIEVERS for, well, not somewhere really good.

Revelation 3:16…SPEW SPEW!

Rev. 3:16 is used to scare people into thinking Jesus will revoke their salvation by NOT being on fire for Jesus ALL the time…which is impossible…trust us, you will be frustrated with him at times & that’s natural.

But remember … what precedes Rev. 3:16 in Revelation is Rev. 3:15 … “I know your works”. So when Master J is speaking of “spewing someone out of his mouth” .. it’s because he has no ‘good use’ for them .. they essentially have a ‘dead/cold faith’ that isn’t helping build or strengthen the church

And think about it this way … in Iowa, it can get down to -30 degree wind chill in February (brrrrr!) & it can be 100 degrees with 100 percent humidity in the Summer (soul death heat). Would you drink a hot cup of tea in the summer outside or a cold glass of ice water outside in a blizzard? NO!

Hot & Cold water of the churches in the towns of ancient Turkey that Jesus was referring to (Laodicea & Colossae) had HOT & COLD water springs people would use. Both Hot & Cold water have ‘GOOD USE’ and can get you “ON FIRE” for Master J because … well, he’s Master J & wants to help you!

‘Be Born of God’..?

1 John 5:1 states… “EVERYONE who believes that Jesus is the Christ HAS been born of God, and EVERYONE who loves the Father loves whoever HAS been BORN of him.”

When you believe that Jesus is the Christ…you are “reborn” as a Son or Daughter of God. To believe on him is something you decide. And it even if it is done before you & God in your alone time as in … Matthew 6:5-6 … you are reborn & saved until the Day of Redemption.

Your public confession holds immense power for other people as well. Romans 10:9 … publicly confessing your belief in Master J to other people lets them know you are saved so they can be assured of your salvation as well (1 John 5:13).

So ... our immediate question to you is ... Are you our Brother or Sister in Christ? Are you part of the FAMILY? Do YOU want to be? Because Brothers and Sisters GOTTA HUG YO!!!

‘Noah’s Flood’..Really…??!!

Yah…like REALLY! Please take 1 hr & 45 mins to watch the ‘Ark & the Darkness’ on YouTube … it’s FREE! It gives a lot of evidence for the Flood & many other things that will BLOW YOUR MIND!

Remember … Matthew 19:26 says … “But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” IF God created the entire universe .. God would certainly have the power to control EVERYTHING inside of it & have sovereign control over it.

And yes, he would certainly have the power to walk on water, turn it into wine, heal people of sickness & raise someone from the dead. ALL of those miracles can’t happen without GOD because everything comes from GOD .. & something cannot come from nothing. Even the ‘Laws of Thermodynamics’ would prove this.

For if matter is energy slowed down & you can neither CREATE nor destroy energy… & ALL comes from God .. then that would logically means GOD has to be eternal!